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Image by Simon Berger

My Projects

Welcome to My Latest Project! This is my personal space where I delve into innovation and creativity. Feel free to navigate and discover my latest endeavor

391 Operating system

Running Demo of operating sytem

Developed a UNIX-like operating system from the ground up using embedded C, featuring comprehensive functionalities including paging, keyboard integration, terminal management, and a robust filing system. Enabled scheduling capabilities and support for concurrent usage with up to three terminals running simultaneously. Explore the connected demo


Product Web Scraping and analysis

Employs BeautifulSoup for web scraping, extracting crucial product details, and analyzing data to estimate prices effectively. Implements robust error handling for seamless data extraction.

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Movie Recommendation AI

Movie Recommendation AI! It's accurate, reaching 92%, in understanding movie reviews using smart techniques like Naive Bayes. We've fine-tuned it using advanced strategies to predict reviews better without getting confused. Plus, we've spruced it up with special tweaks that make it 6% more accurate in separating good from bad reviews

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